什么是Process Essay? 我们将分享写作攻略、写作模板、范文给您!

想学怎么快速写出processessay吗?本书提供了一个很好的写作指南。如果你想提高自己的写作水平,就应该先了解一些常用的方法。本书中列出了许多实用而高效的技术。这些技术都是作者经过多年的教学实践总结出来的经验。下面是一整套小技巧,大纲,实例,模板以及主题建议都会帮您在短期内写一篇高效的process essay。

到了现在的年代,你可能已经读过一百篇process essay。想怎么做就怎么做教程或食谱类的文章,在网上随意搜索就会发现有数十篇文章,这些文章也属于process essay范畴。它是一门专门为学生而编写的课程,其目的在于培养学生将所学知识应用于实践的能力。当然,这门课对我们每个人来说并不陌生,但要真正掌握却是很困难的。您也许发现,上课,做实验报告,乃至将来的作品,都有写作的必要。现在根据自己的需要学着怎么写process essay吧!转自:HWBANGSHOU

什么是Process Essay? 我们将分享写作攻略、写作模板、范文给您!

什么是Process Essay?

在你开始写作之前,最好先了解这是一种什么类型的essay。让我们先来了解一下process essay的定义。process essay是一篇指导性论文或文章,它告诉读者如何完成某件事的步骤,通常是为了使读者能够复制上述程序。它们往往是技术性的它们可以是正式的或非正式的,这取决于你是在写实验报告、工作报告,还是在写博客。和你想的一样,这篇essay必须有结构和组织。

Process Essay的类型


一般人不知道的是,process essay有两种不同的类型。你所写的类型会影响到你所包含的细节,更重要的是,你写essay的方法。以下是这两种类型。



这种类型的essay侧重于就如何做某件事情给出指示或分步说明。一个directive process essay 例子是 “how to make poached egg”,”how are vaccines developed”,或关于我们 “how to buy a research paper”的指南。



这种类型的essay侧重于解释某件事情是如何运作的,目的是帮助读者理解这些步骤。例如,”how photosynthesis works”或 “how long does it take to write a PhD dissertation?” 两者之间的主要区别是,前者预计读者会复制这些步骤,从而得出一个结果,而后者只是阐述程序。在开始写作之前,你首先要考虑的是你要写什么类型的essay。这在下一节里面会提到。


Process Essay写作攻略


一旦你找到了窍门,写一篇process essay是很容易的。这种类型的essay的主要挑战是保持文章的条理清晰有组织,以确保你的读者完全理解你所写的程序。为此,你需要像写其他类型的academic essay一样,做一些准备工作。下面是如何开始一篇process essay:


首先考虑你是为谁写的。这将帮助你确定你需要写的process essay的类型,并随后确定如何处理这个话题。大多数时候,受众是明确的:你的教授或你的同学。不管你的读者是谁,请考虑以下几点:




理想情况下,你所写的主题是你所熟悉的或你所做过的事情。最好是有关于该程序的文件。如果你没有,只需写下你记忆中的所有细节——所需材料和步骤。这有助于确保你不会遗漏任何相关的细节。这将作为你的大纲。除此以外,你还应该勾勒出你的essay的整体结构。Process essay遵循典型的引言–正文–结论的结构,但在正文部分有一些修改。

如果你需要更多的帮助来写大纲,请查看我们关于如何制定有效大纲的提示和这个process essay大纲的例子。你也可以参考我们的process essay大纲模板,这将在后面讨论。


How To Make Poached Eggs

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Poached eggs are great for Eggs Benedict and many other meals.

Poaching is a method that involves submerging eggs or other food in water or other liquid while it simmers. This produces a delicate, runny yolk.

There are three ways to poach eggs, and each one is easy and takes only up to 10 minutes.

How to Poach Eggs

Paragraph 2

Materials: A deep saucepan, a large spoon, water, eggs, small bowl, slotted spoon

Paragraph 3


1. Fill the saucepan with at least 8 cm of water. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer.

2. Crack the egg into a small bowl.

Paragraph 4

3. Using the large spoon, stir the water in a circular motion until you form a whirlpool.

4. Pour the egg into the center of the whirlpool.

5. Let it simmer for 3.5 to 4 minutes if you want runny yolks, and 4 to 5 minutes if you want firmer yolks.

6. Using a slotted spoon, fish the egg from the water and serve.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

Serving suggestions: serve English muffins, bacon, and hollandaise sauce for Eggs Benedict, or serve on top of a salad, avocado toast, or pasta.

A poached egg is a quick and versatile recipe worth learning.



按照你创建的大纲,开始你的写作。这里有一些小技巧,可以帮助你写出一篇优秀的process essay。

a. Hook your reader’s attention


b. Be descriptive but precise

对于你讨论的每一个步骤,一定要提供充分的描述,以便读者知道他们到底应该做什么。然而,不要让你的描述太长,要紧紧抓住重要的细节。你将在下面的procedural essay例子中看到这一点。

c. Group steps into phases


d. Use transitional phrases

不要回避过渡性短语,如then、after、while、as soon as、finally,以及更多。这将帮助你的读者理解各步骤的时间顺序。

4.Edit and proofread the essay




Process Essay Topics分享:


这类论文的题目不应该太简单,也不应该太复杂。这里有一些很好的process essay题目供你选择或给你一些灵感。

Lifestyle topics

·Kicking a bad habit

·Steps to planning a surprise party

·How to gain self-confidence

·Steps to making a latte at home

·How to choose a major in college

Science-related topics

·How smoking damages the lungs

·How the human eye deteriorates

·How DNA replication works

·The formation of black holes

·How vaccines protect the body

Technology-related topics

·How augmented reality works

·The process of 3D printing

·Genetically modifying food

·How self-driving cars operate

·How in-vitro fertilization works

Business-related topics

·Conducting a SWOT analysis

·How mergers and acquisitions work

·How companies become publicly traded

·Creating a business plan

·Auditing a system

Politics-related topics

·How the Nazis came to power in Germany

·The fall of the Soviet Union

·How to form a political party

·How the electoral college works

·The emergence of the Brexit movement in the UK



Process Essay范文


在本节中有两篇process essay的范文,一篇是directive,另一篇是informative。

Sample process essay 1:

Poaching Eggs

Poached eggs are one of the best ways to cook eggs. They are great for Eggs Benedict and many other sandwiches and salads. Poaching is a cooking method where the egg is submerged in boiling water. In this essay, we’ll discuss the traditional way to poach eggs, called deep poaching or the whirlpool method. Poaching eggs with this method will not take more than 5 minutes, and will change the way you eat eggs.

The Steps To Poaching Eggs

The deep poaching method, sometimes called the whirlpool method, is the traditional way to poach eggs. It is somewhat tricky and therefore, needs patience and practice. To deep poach your eggs, you will need a deep saucepan, a large spoon, a small spoon, water, eggs, and a slotted spoon for scooping out the egg after.

To start, fill the saucepan with at least 4 inches of water. Bring this to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. While waiting for the water to boil, crack an egg into a small bowl. This will make it easier to slide the egg into the water later on.

Once the water has reduced to a simmer, stir the water in a circular motion with the large spoon. When a whirlpool has formed, pour the egg into the center of the whirlpool. The whirlpool will keep the egg white from spreading. Let it cook for 3.5 to 5 minutes. A 3.5-minute cooking time results in runny yolks, while 4- to 5-minute cooking time results in firmer yolks. Adjust the time based on your preference. Take the egg out of the water with a slotted spoon. Let the water drip and serve.


Poached eggs have a thin layer of firm egg white enveloping a creamy yolk inside. This is a great alternative to fried eggs since it does not require oil, at the same time, it produces a more delicate egg than a boiled egg. Poached eggs are best served with Eggs Benedict, avocado toast, pasta, or even eaten on its own.


Sample Process Essay 2:

How In Vitro Fertilization Works

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of reproductive technology that serves as a treatment for infertility, other health conditions that may prevent or complicate pregnancy or avoid genetic problems. Overall, IVF involves five steps that may take place over the course of a month or longer. These steps are ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, sperm collection, fertilization, and transfer of the embryo.

The IVF Procedure

The first step to in vitro Fertilization is ovarian stimulation. The source of the eggs will be treated with synthetic hormones at the start of their cycle. This will stimulate the ovaries so that it produces multiple eggs. Doctors harvest multiple eggs to allow for room for error since eggs may not fertilize or develop normally. This step takes one to two weeks, then the doctor will perform vaginal ultrasound and/or blood tests to check if the eggs are ready.

Once the doctor determines that the eggs are ready, they will then be retrieved before ovulation. Before the retrieval process, progesterone supplements are provided to make the uterine lining more receptive to implantation. During the retrieval process, the woman will be sedated.

Prior to the egg retrieval, usually on the morning of the egg retrieval, the partner’s or a donor’s sperm will be collected at the clinic. This is either done through masturbation or testicular aspiration. In this step, the sperm is extracted from the testicle using a needle or a surgical procedure. The sperm are then separated from the semen fluid.

The egg retrieval process is called transvaginal ultrasound aspiration. This step involves the use of a vaginal ultrasound probe that helps identify the follicles where the ovaries will be retrieved. After the follicles have been located, a thin needle is inserted into an ultrasound guide to retrieve the eggs. This goes through the vagina and into the follicles. The needle is connected to a suction device, which then collects the eggs. Alternatively, an abdominal ultrasound may be used to guide the needle if the ovaries are inaccessible through the transvaginal ultrasound. The retrieval of multiple eggs may take 20 minutes. After the eggs are retrieved, they are incubated in a nutritive liquid. Meanwhile, the woman may experience cramps and pressure.

During fertilization, healthy and mature eggs are mixed with the sperm to create embryos. This is accomplished in two methods. The first method is conventional insemination. Here, the doctor mixes and incubates the egg and sperm overnight. The second method is intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), wherein one sperm is injected directly into a mature egg. The latter is usually done after failed attempts using the conventional insemination method.

Two to five days after the retrieval, the embryo is transferred into the uterus. The embryo is transferred using a catheter (a thin, flexible tube) with a syringe containing the embryo attached at the end. The catheter is inserted into the vagina and goes into the uterus, where the embryo is placed. In 6 to 10 days after transfer, the embryo will implant in the uterine lining, which begins the pregnancy process. There may be some clear or bloody fluid immediately after the procedure. Women normally experience mild bloating, breast tenderness, mild cramping, and constipation after the procedure.


In-vitro fertilization is one of the most common treatments that replicates the reproduction process. It helps couples with fertility issues or other genetic problems achieve a successful pregnancy. IVF is an expensive treatment that involves invasive procedures, so understanding the procedure is important for couples before they proceed with the said treatment.


阅读我们提供的范文,注意步骤和附加相信是如何呈现的。下面是另一篇process essay范文,你可以复习一下。


Process Essay 模板


如果你仍然不知道如何开始一篇process essay,可以尝试按照这个process essay大纲模板。简单地用一句或几句话回答问题或提示,,同时遵循你之前读到的小技巧。当你把它们结合起来时,你就会有一篇process essay。


The first paragraph should introduce the topic and what you will accomplish in the essay.

Write a general statement that introduces the topic or the process you are discussing and why the reader should know the process:


For the thesis statement, provide the following details: the difficulty of the process, the number of steps, and the time it takes to accomplish it:


Main Body

This is where you discuss the process. The number of paragraphs depends on the number of steps or phases involved. For each paragraph, follow this format:

Start with a topic sentence that introduces what the paragraph will be about:


Write down the process to be done:


For the closing sentence, write an additional tip or a quick summary of the step:



The final paragraph.

Recap what process you have described and describe the finished product:


Refer back to the purpose or importance of learning it.


Close with a relevant closing statement.


这个模板的目的是使写process essay更简单,不至于让人不知所措。只要大量的练习,你肯定能在没有模板的帮助下写出一篇好文章。

到此为止,你已经拥有了能够写好process essay所需要的一切。你所要做的就是练习。从我们的建议中挑选一个主题,然后写作——随着时间的推移,你将越写越好。但是如果你没有时间,欢迎随时向我们寻求帮助。




将技术知识和经验转化为清晰、简明的写作并非易事。在写process essay时,需要一点帮助是没有错的。这种类型的论文提出了独特的挑战——它需要对细节和组织进行细致的关注。如果你还不具备写一篇成功的process essay所需的写作技巧,HWBANGSHOU将为你联系一位专业的作者来帮助你。


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